Saturday, May 3, 2014


Hello Everyone! I know I  have not posted in like 27 million years but I am back! With coming back, I bring good news! I have now started a new blog strictly for BOOKS! Books with fandoms and books without fandoms! There will be much that will come with this new blog but anyway... Please check it out! :)

You can find it in my profile under blogs ;)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Fandom of the Week

As some of you may have noticed, there is now a poll to the left of the screen! Starting today, I will randomly draw a popular fandom (contact me if you would like one added) at the beginning of every week. With this drawing, I will create a poll on the right side of the screen relating to that fandom. At the end of the week I will make one master post about that fandom and the results of the weekly poll. (The next week the previously chosen fandom will be removed from the drawing to prevent a repeat but will be added again for the following week's drawing.) So, vote for the polls and comment all about everything! Go fandom crazy! Hope you guys like this idea! :)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Let's Make Deductions: Sherlock Series 3

Did you miss me?

So fellow Sherlockians... the time has come, and in a short three weeks, passed, for Sherlock Series 3. And I gotta admit... It was pretty amazing! I mean WOW! There were many UNBELIEVABLE plot twists and new characters and all of it was plain brilliant. From drunk Sherlock, to assassin Mary, to baby Watson, to Magnusen, to Sherlock's parents, there was an extreme amount of enjoyable tidbits! So, while of course we are sad that Series 3 has drawn to a close... I know that I was thoroughly impressed. I am beyond excited for Series 4 and all the new things coming with it. Now it's time for debate.

The Sign of Three

While The Sign of Three was definitely not your typical Sherlock episode, it was really, really good. I loved the wedding and the memories and the spur of the moment "hidden murderer" twist. However, the whole thing was just a little odd and eve though I liked it, I was very skeptical for a good portion of the episode. Did you like The Sign of Three? Comment!

"Mary Watson"

This isn't really up for debate in my world. Mary is amazing! She is an awesome character and I am so excited for her to be an infinite character on Sherlock!

The Baby

Ok. I know a whole lot of people are excited for the arrival of Baby Watson but I mean really? I was very excited about the introduction of Mary but even a wife for John was kind of pushing it. I mean it's always been: Two best friends. Sherlock and John. John and Sherlock. However, I was accepting of Mary. But a baby?! That's really testing the limits, Moffat and Gatiss. With a whole family, how will John have any time at all to spend with Sherlock and fight crimes?! So, yeah, I'm just a little unsure about it. What do you guys think about Baby Watson?


There has been much debate over this topic and let me be the first to say, I more than anything was hoping that Moriarty was actually back. He is an amazing villain, however, you can't easily fake shooting yourself through the head. Also, on the "Did you miss me?" reel, it was not Moriarty's actual voice. Yes, I know there was the moment after the credits, but Moffat revealed in an interview they added that for the fans. Lastly, in the Sherlock books, once Moriarty dies, another villain uses his image as, in a way, a scare tactic. So, I'm sorry to burst your bubble.  

Let me know what you think! Comment! Let's debate! What did you like most about Series 3? What are you looking forward to in Series 4? Do tell! That's all for now! 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Let's cry: Ann and Chris

If you don't watch Parks and Recreation... you should. I absolutely love this show and adore the characters. While it is a comedy and I laugh way too hard, it has it's sweet moments. This past Thursday's episode, Ann and Chris, was pretty much just a compilation of sad and sweet moments. Ann and Chris are literally (*crying*) two of my favorite characters! Sadly, very very very sadly, we said goodbye to them infinitely during season 6 episode 13. That was this past Thursday and I am still recovering. IT'S NOT EVEN A FANDOM OR A BOOK! There were three reasons I was upset about it and I will now tell you why.

1. Leslie

Leslie is always peppy and it made me sad seeing her sad. I mean honestly, if you were saying goodbye to your best friend who you see every single day and wouldn't see them for who knows how long, wouldn't you be really really sad.

2. The party

The party was one of the sweetest things in the whole episode. It just was. It made me happy and sad. I don't know how to describe it.

3. April

Chris telling April that he was proud of her and her knowing it. April muttering "I love you too" to Ann. I was so done.

4. The box

The box Chris was given by the boys was so cool and they tried to make it funny but I couldn't deal.

5. When Ron said goodbye

Must I say more?

6. The final goodbye

 Ben and Chris saying they were the best friends each of them could have ever had. Leslie and Ann saying they loved each other and both crying as they said goodbye.

7. Ann and Chris

The overall episode. The two of them leaving. Everything that happened. And the fact we don't get to see the baby, know if Leslie and Ben are the godparents, and a possible Chris and Ann wedding in the future.

So, overall it was literally a night full of emotions for Parks and Rec fans. All of the above things managed to upset me and I'm assuming they upset other people too. I really want to know if people who watched this were okay with the Ann and Chris send off. Let me know!

P.S. I know I said three reasons... there were just too many feelings.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Let's talk (or sob): TFIOS

Okay? Okay. 

So when I got this book I didn't read it for a couple of weeks. Then one night I decided to start reading it at about 11 something right before I was going to bed. Or so I thought. I was up until 4 finishing the book. While I didn't cry, (I know I should have! Don't hate me!) I was very upset and emotional about the whole ending of the book. Why John Green? WHY?! So... I still liked it... A LOT. "I fell in love the way you fall asleep. Slowly, and then all at once." That quote pretty much sums up my feelings about the book. 
I was very excited about the movie and most of the cast and I thought it would be made very well. Then, the poster came out. I don't want to mention the dreaded poster but I must. I liked the poster and thought it was simple but nice and then it happened. I don't know if it was anger or pain or what but something overcame me.

"One sick love story."

I was speechless. I literally had no idea what to say. Did the people think this was a joke?! This story is about sadness, death, disease, and everything that comes along with it. The tagline was their chance to express this but instead, they made it a joke. It was twisted and very upsetting. IT WAS NOT OKAY. So after my anger had subsided, I began to think about the movie. If the movie company came up with a tagline like this, how was the movie going to be?! I was starting to lose hope.

Until today.

The trailer was released and I was going to hold out and not watch it but let's face it. The second I turned my laptop on, I watched it. It wasn't the best trailer ever but it was still amazing. I loved hearing some of the quotes and seeing some of my favorite scenes. The trailer highlighted the happiness that is found between Gus and Hazel but also gave a feeling of overall sorrow. Honestly, I liked this. It restored my faith in the movie being a very good movie. In fact, I was okay with the whole TFIOS situation until Hazel Grace Lancaster said it. She said the one little word that can bring hundreds thousands of people to tears. "Okay." I had a slight fanboy attack and at that point was almost crying. I held it in though, because I knew once it started it wouldn't stop. So, as a summary, love the book, hate the tagline, really like the trailer. So let me hear your thoughts on TFIOS. What are other people thinking? I know that June seems very far away now and I both dread and can't wait for the 6th. Okay.

If you haven't seen the trailer, you can find it here:
TFIOS official trailer

Oh and lastly, I made this when the trailer was finished. This is pretty much what happened:

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Hey guys! I have now made commenting open to everyone! This way you can ALL comment to me, suggest fandoms I should be in, and express your opinions. Don't be negative though. If there is a extremely negative comment or someone lashes out at another person, I will just delete your comment. If this continuously happens, I will just close the commenting to Registered Users again. I still want to hear your opinions however, just be nice about it! Thanks everyone! Hope this makes it easier for everyone!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Let's just agree: It's not called Great Britain for nothing!

Ok. Can we all admit that everything is better when it's British? I mean c'mon! They start so many fandoms and Harry Potter is just a universe of itself, and then there's TV! They have some of the most popular shows! Sherlock, Doctor Who, Downton Abbey, just to name a few. Also, the actors and actresses are always amazing! Lastly, have you tried their food? It's really good. Even their Starbucks drinks are better. So, yeah I guess this post doesn't have much meaning, I just want to prove that the feeling is mutual. British things are awesome and many peoples (especially fanboys and fangirls) favorites.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Let's Debate: Mockingjay Part 1 and 2

What do you guys think of Mockingjay being split into two parts? Good thing? Bad thing? Where would it be wisest to split it? I want to hear all your thoughts about this and then I'll let you know mine! :)

Let's Talk: Harry Potter

Ok! Let's talk Harry Potter Favorites! (And least favorites) Book, movie, character, Hogwarts house, and location! I'm interested to know what you guys think!

Here are mine: 
(Favorite/Least Favorite)



Sirius or Dobby/ Lavender, Pettigrew, or Slughorn

Slytherin/ I love them all but... Hufflepuff

Hogwarts or the Burrow/ The Riddle House or Madam Pudifoot's 

So... those are mine! Let me know yours! Feel free to debate but don't be negative or discouraging please! FANDOMS = HAPPINESS

Friday, January 17, 2014

Hello fellow Fanboys and Fangirls!

Hey people! Thanks for checking out my fanboy blog! Before you do anything... Read the junk beneath my blog title! Did you read it? Good. Ok! Now this is a place where fandoms can run free! In fact, I encourage all discussions about all fandoms. As you can see by the title of the blog, much of this blog will be my problems with fandoms. Whether it's because I didn't like a cliffhanger or because I can't wait for the next episode or I don't even know what to think about a certain character, it will be here! Feel free to express your opinion, contradict me or whatever! Just keep it appropriate please! My blog is supposed to be a fun and happy place. I will tag posts with the appropriate fandoms so if you are just a Hunger Games fan you can click on it and just look at Hunger Games things! YAY!!! Yes, I am a fanboy. I consider myself most invested as a Potterhead, Demigod, Initiate, Tribute, and Sherlockian! Don't criticize people's fandoms! It's not cool! We can all get along! And don't (I know I said it already) be mean to other people or tear them down. Alright, now let out your inner geeky fan self and let's talk fandoms!!!